The VCU Model System of care provides comprehensive, coordinated inpatient and outpatient care for persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI). The system includes emergency medical services; early intensive and acute medical care; comprehensive rehabilitation services; and long-term rehabilitation follow up.

The VCU program also carries out scientific research. Our research programs focus on improving care and quality of life for people with brain injury and their families. The benefits of family support and education, the effectiveness of early education for caregivers, and researching the long-term outcomes after brain injury are important areas of study. VCU staff have published their work extensively in medical and rehabilitation journals. In addition to our research, we produce a quarterly newsletter, TBI Today, distribute educational fact sheets, and participate in a variety of educational events related to brain injury rehabilitation and outcomes.

Research Projects

As Lead Center

Virginia Traumatic Brain Injury Model System
Katherine W. Abbasi, MA

Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia

 (804) 828-3703

Virginia Traumatic Brain Injury Model System

Research Center Staff

Ronald T. Seel, PhD

Project Director

David X. Cifu, MD

Co-Project Director

William Walker, MD

Principal Investigator, National Database Study

Daniel Klyce, PhD

Principal Investigator, Site-Specific Study

Kelli Gary, PhD

Principal Investigator, Knowledge Translation