Involvement from the field plays a critical role in the success of the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC). Periodically, we recruit individuals with burn injury and their family members to participate in MSKTC activities. Here is a listing of our current recruitment initiatives:
Recruiting Burn Survivors who are Amputees and their Family Members to Test Amputation After Burn Injury Factsheet
The MSKTC is recruiting burn survivors who are amputees and their family members to provide feedback on a new factsheet on amputation after burn injury. To be eligible, participants be at least 18 years old.
Interviews will last approximately 60 minutes. Participants will receive $25 for their time. Call 202-403-5600 or email to register.
Recruiting Burn Ambassadors
The MSTKC is recruiting people who are passionate about improving the lives of people with burn injury as ambassadors. Burn ambassadors take part in research activities, help create and test MSKTC resources, and share these free resources with those who will benefit from them the most. Ambassadors help the MSKTC to better meet the needs of people with burn and their families.
MSKTC Recruiting Leaders for CDSMP Workshops
The Boston Harvard Burn Injury Model System is looking to recruit CLIMB Leaders to partner in leading Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) workshops for people with burn injuries. The CLIMB research study aims to assess the effects of a self-management program on health-related quality of life in the chronic burn survivor population.
Eligible candidates must be a person living with a burn injury or the family member of a person living with a burn injury, 18+ years of age, and able to speak, read, and understand English. To best serve the role, the candidate should be within two years of their or their family members burn injury event, have access to reliable internet, and basic computer skills. Eligible participants will complete two courses to become a certified leader of the CDSMP, co-lead 2-3 online CDSMP workshops, and attend related check-ins and focus groups. Participants will receive $300 for becoming a certified leader and $270 for each 6-week workshop completed If interested or you have questions, please reach out to Lauren Shepler at 617-952-6313 or