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Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 32, 2, E24-E34

Publication Website:


Study investigated associations between the vesicular monoamine transporter-2 (VMAT2) gene variability and cognitive outcomes after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Prior research has demonstrated that genetic variation among monoaminergic genes, such as VMAT2, may affect post-TBI cognitive performance. Researchers evaluated 136 white adults with severe TBI for variation in VMAT2 using a tagging single nucleotide polymorphism (tSNP) approach (rs363223, rs363226, rs363251, and rs363341). Genetic variation interacted with assessed cognitive impairment (cognitive composite [Comp-Cog] T-scores) to influence functional cognition (functional independence measure cognitive [FIM-Cog] subscale] 6 and 12 months postinjury. Multivariate analyses at 6 months postinjury showed rs363226 genotype was associated with Comp-Cog and interacted with Comp-Cog to influence functional cognition. G-homozygotes had the largest cognitive impairment, and their cognitive impairment had the greatest adverse effect on functional cognition. This study provides the first evidence that genetic variation within VMAT2 is associated with cognitive outcomes after TBI. Further work is needed to validate this finding and elucidate mechanisms by which genetic variation affects monoaminergic signaling, mediating differences in cognitive outcomes.


Markos, Steven M., Failla, Michelle D., Ritter, Anne C., Dixon, C. Edward, Conley, Yvette P., Ricker, Joseph H., Arenth, Patricia M., Juengst, Shannon B., Wagner, Amy K.