This trial will capitalize on longstanding collaborations with the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance (MN BIA) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to address the ineffective connection to specialized medical and community resources in the transition from hospital to community-based care, limited access to TBI experts, and variable primary care provider (PCP) knowledge about TBI. Target populations include individuals with TBI eligible for MN BIA provided Resource Facilitation (RF), their families, and their PCPs. This randomized pragmatic clinical trial will use a complex behavioral intervention that integrates Mayo Clinic’s medical rehabilitation and therapy services with MN BIA provided RF to deliver clinical care remotely using telemedicine while involving study participant PCPs. MRFI will test whether outcomes over time are better in a group receiving this model of care compared to one receiving usual care in their communities. Costs between groups will be compared in collaboration with the MDH and Mayo Clinic Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery. Other collaborators include the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, Center for Connected Care, and CareHubs, Inc. The goal is to develop a replicable model of telemedicine care that integrates TBIMS Centers and BIAs nationwide and builds TBI expertise and capacity among PCPs.
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