Delia Linch
TBI Ambassador
Case Manager and Nurse Coordinator at Loma Linda University Medical Center Rehabilitation Institute
Fun Facts

Delia believes her educational background in education has given her the ability to better educate patients and help them understand complex information. Delia enjoys hiking and painting in her free time. Above all, she loves meeting new people and hearing their stories. She likes to be involved with mission trips organized by Loma Linda University Heath.

Delia Linch is a case manager and nurse coordinator for community physicians at the Loma Linda University Medical Center Rehabilitation Institute in Loma Linda, California. Although Delia has an educational background in education and engineering, she found nursing and working in rehabilitation to be her passion and enjoys seeing patients lead fulfilling lives after TBI. Delia enjoys thinking of innovative and creative ways to help her patients and best serve their needs.

Why does Delia want to be an ambassador?

Delia has seen first-hand the stress and anxiety that surround TBI, not only for patients, but family members as well. She strives to help patients and families feel more understood and better prepared to take on such a drastic life change. Wanting to provide her patients with reliable information on a variety of TBI topics, Delia has become very familiar with MSKTC TBI resources and wants to continue to share them with her patients, their families, and the clinicians at her institution.

What does Delia do as an ambassador?

Depending on what information her patients and their families are looking for, Delia shares MSKTC’s resources through printed handouts, as well as QR codes, making materials easily accessible. She has found that patients appreciate the wide range of resource formats, specifically videos and infocomics. In addition to disseminating MSKTC materials to patients, Delia has promoted MSKTC to her colleagues, encouraging them to share the resources with their patients as well. She has even recruited several new MSKTC ambassadors in the process.