Model System:


Reference Type:


Accession No.:



Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 97, 10, 1761-1769

Publication Website:


Study examined the wheelchair skills capacity and performance of experienced manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injury (SCI) and assessed measurement properties of the Wheelchair Skills Test (WST) and Wheelchair Skills Test Questionnaire (WST-Q). One hundred seventeen manual wheelchair users with SCI from 4 Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems centers completed the WST and WST-Q version 4.2 as well as measures for Confidence, Basic Mobility, Independence, Ability to Participate, Satisfaction, and Pain Interference. The median values for WST capacity, WST-Q capacity, and WST-Q performance were 81.0, 88.0, and 76.0 percent, respectively. The total WST capacity scores correlated significantly with the total WST-Q capacity scores and WST-Q performance scores. The total WST-Q capacity and WST-Q performance scores were correlated significantly. Success rates were


Kirby, R. Lee, Worobey, Lynn A., Cowan, Rachel, Pedersen, Jessica P., Heinemann, Allen W., Dyson-Hudson, Treveor A., Shea, Mary, Smith, Cher, Rushton, Paula W., Boninger, Michael L.

Participating Centers: