Model System:


Reference Type:


Accession No.:



Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 9, 1, 38-53


Article addresses the expectation of an evidence-based standard to determine assistive technology (AT) product efficacy, and the impact of this standard on the transfer, use, and payment for assistive technologies designed for persons with disabilities. The authors discuss alternative options for evidence of AT effectiveness, recommendations on how to develop a useful and workable outcomes-reporting system to further demonstrate evidence of AT efficacy for AT funding, and pending and proposed federal legislative changes. Unless addressed, the lack of documented AT outcomes may limit future innovation as well as limit access to existing rehabilitation and assistive technologies for those who need it most.


Clayback, Don, Hostak, Rita, Leahy, James A., Minkel, Jean, Piper, Margaret, Smith, Roger O., Vaarwerk, Todd

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