Model System:


Reference Type:


Accession No.:



International Journal of Telerehabilitation

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 6, 2, 39-50


Study examined the level of satisfaction with cognitive rehabilitation delivered via the Internet in participants with moderate-to-severe acquired brain injury (ABI). Fifteen adults with moderate-to-severe ABI were randomized to 30 days of Internet-based active treatment or to a wait list group, and crossed over to the opposite condition after 30 sessions. Both caregivers and participants were assessed at three time points during the study. Analysis focused on participant satisfaction with receiving treatment in this manner. Though the results showed no significant treatment effect, the vast majority of participants (more than 87 percent) were satisfied with treatment. Treatment satisfaction accounted for 25 percent of additional variance in predicting lower family ratings of mood difficulties after final assessment. Greater satisfaction with treatment was positively correlated with greater employment rate after treatment, as well as lower family ratings of memory and mood difficulties after final assessment. The findings suggest that treatment satisfaction in people with ABI is related to less activity limitations, and to maintaining employment after cognitive rehabilitation delivered via the Internet.


Bergquist, Thomas F., Yutsis, Maya, Sullan, Molly J.

Participating Centers: