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Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 21, 1, 9-Jan

Publication Website:


Study identified the employment outcomes of greatest importance to individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) who have worked since injury. A qualitative approach was used with 6 focus groups at 2 sites (Minnesota and Georgia). A combination of homogeneous (race/ethnic minority group, female group) and heterogeneous groups were convened. The 44 participants were a minimum of 10 years post injury and had been employed at some point after SCI. A semi-structured interview format queried participants about personal, environmental, and policy-related factors that impacted obtaining, maintaining, and advancing in employment. Seven overlapping themes were identified under the 2 broad categories of compensation and subjective well-being: (1) salary and what it can support, (2) health insurance and other fringe benefits, (3) promotions and recognition, (4) social connection and support, (5) job satisfaction and enjoyment from working, (6) making a difference and helping others, and (7) psychological and emotional health. The results reveal several common themes among persons with SCI who have successful employment histories, suggesting that the benefits of employment are multifaceted and go beyond monetary compensation.


Meade, Michelle A., Reed, Karla S., Saunders, Lee L., Krause, James S.

Participating Centers: