Model System:


Reference Type:


Accession No.:


Clinical Neuropsychologist

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 23, , 255-267

Publication Website:


When examining visual memory test results one must be aware of other variables that impact performance, particularly in individuals with traumatic brain injury who have broad cognitive deficits. The present investigation sought to determine the extent to which executive functioning, as operationally defined as perceptual organization, planning, and mental flexibility, impacted Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) performance. Results indicated that executive functioning measures accounted for between 11% and 16% of the variance in RCFT scores. ANCOVAs revealed that the relationship between degree of executive impairment and RCFT memory trials were non-significant when performance on the copy trial was controlled for. Furthermore, speed of processing and word reading were significantly related to RCFT performance. The predicted relationship with fine motor functioning was not supported. Implications and future research directions are discussed.


Schwarz, L., Penna, S., Novack, T.