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Accession No.:



Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal (formerly Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal)

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 40, 3, 276-282

Publication Website:


Study engaged individuals living with serious mental illnesses (SMI) as key stakeholders in user experience design and the development of the WorkingWell mobile app to enhance on-the-job follow-along support. To inform app development, focus groups were conducted in 3 agencies providing individual placement and support (IPS) services to examine consumers’ perspectives on supported employment, challenges in sustaining employment, and their preferences for technology-based solutions for coping on the job. Qualitative data were coded thematically in a multistep, collaborate approach to ensure trustworthiness. Survey data were collected to describe participants and their current experience with and interest in using technology; these data were analyzed descriptively. A total of 25 IPS consumers reported work challenges related to interpersonal relationships and social situations; job characteristics, tasks, and expectations; illness- and treatment-related issues; lifestyle/wellness and conditions apart from work; and motivation. The majority owned mobile phones, felt comfortable using technology, and could see how technology-based tools could help sustain employment. Participants highlighted the potential benefits of technology-based supports for work challenges, and underscored the potential for independence and empowerment as a consequence. Study findings suggest the value of a WorkingWell mobile app that is innovative, easy to access, self-directed, and individually tailored to enhance IPS follow-along support. The WorkingWell app, if proven effective, will provide an empowering set of tools designed with input from individuals with SMI, and integrated into a single, accessible interface.


Nicholson, Joanne, Carpenter-Song, Elizabeth A., MacPherson, Lynn H., Tauscher, Justin S., Burns, T. Chris, Lord, Sarah E.

Participating Centers: