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Disability and Health Journal

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 7, 4, 373-393

Publication Website:


This scoping review of the literature was conducted to identify relevant studies on disparities in receipt of clinical preventive services (CPS) among subgroups of individuals with disabilities. Access to CPS, which includes routinely offered screenings, diagnostic tests, physician counseling, and immunizations, is of critical importance because receipt of these services prevent disease or detect diseases in early stages. Electronic and manual literature searches were conducted for years 2000 to 2009. Review for inclusion/exclusion and data analysis occurred in 2010 and 2011. In 2012, the review was updated to cover abstracts published in 2010 and 2011. Identified abstracts, and then full-text articles of included abstracts, were reviewed according to inclusion/exclusion criteria by multiple reviewers. For articles meeting all criteria, two reviewers performed independent data extraction. A gap analysis was performed to identify areas of concentration and gaps in the literature. Twenty-seven articles met inclusion criteria for this review. Studies varied substantially in sample composition and research methods. CPS examined most often were cervical cancer screening (14 studies) and mammography (13 studies). Potential disparity factors studied most often were disability factors (i.e., disabling condition in 12 studies, disability severity in 10 studies). Stratification of CPS by disparity factors revealed substantial gaps in the literature. The literature gaps point to a need for high-quality research on access disparities among subgroups of individuals with disabilities.


Peterson-Besse, Jana J., O'Brien, Megan S., Walsh, Emily S., Monroe-Gulick, Amalia, White, Glen, Drum, Charles E.

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