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Journal of Public Transportation

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 18, 3, 124-142

Publication Website:


Study examined paratransit policies that impact parents with disabilities who travel with young children. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), transit agencies are required to provide ADA complementary paratransit services to individuals whose disability prevents them from using fixed-route bus or rail. Ninety-two transit agencies from across the United States completed a survey of their policies and procedures that impact parents with disabilities traveling with minor children. Results indicate that certain policies make it difficult for parents to use paratransit. These policies include limiting the number of children who can accompany a parent, lack of access to chain rides (i.e., no scheduled waits), lack of driver assistance with car seats, not providing car seats, not allowing storage of car seats on vehicles, and fares for adults and children that make regular use of paratransit cost prohibitive, particularly for parents on a fixed income. These policies have serious consequences for parents to obtain and maintain employment, meet their children’s educational, childcare, and medical needs, and, in some cases, even retain custody of their children. Recommendations are provided for agencies to consider implementing to make paratransit systems more accessible to parents with disabilities.


Jacob, Jean, Kirshbaum, Megan, Preston, Paul

Participating Centers: