Model System:


Reference Type:


Accession No.:



Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 12, 1, 56-64

Publication Website:


Study identified the accessibility needs and preferences of individuals with dexterity impairments when using the mobile health (mHealth) system called iMHere (interactive Mobile Health and Rehabilitation. Nine participants with various levels of dexterity abilities were asked to perform tasks after a one-week field trial to evaluate their performance when using iMHere apps on smartphones for self-care. The time for a participant to complete each task, the number of possible errors a participant made and the number of errors a participant was able to self-correct were recorded and analyzed. The Telehealth Usability Questionnaire was collected to rate participants' experiences. A statistically significant negative correlation was identified between participants' dexterity levels and their error ratios by using a Pearson product-moment correlation. Approximately 51 percent of errors detected were self-corrected without any help, but other errors called for resolution from a researcher. Due to the diversity of the participants' dexterity impairments, their needs and preferences differ one from another. Personalized design may be the key to approaching these challenges in improving accessibility.


Yu, Daihua X., Parmanto, Bambang, Dicianno, Brad E., Watzlaf, Valerie J., Seelman, Katherine D.

Participating Centers: