The purpose of this study is to examine the efficacy of a cognitive rehabilitation program that aims to improve new learning and memory in people with moderate to severe learning impairment due to traumatic brain injury. Participants will consist of 120 individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) at least 12 months prior to the start of the study. The current proposal will evaluate (a) the impact of the treatment on everyday functioning, (b) the long term efficacy of the treatment and (c) the utility of booster sessions in facilitating long-term treatment effects. We will randomly assign individuals with TBI, with documented impairment in new learning abilities, to a memory retraining group or a placebo control group. Both groups will undergo baseline, immediate and long-term follow-up assessment consisting of: (1) a traditional neuropsychological battery and (2) an assessment of global functioning examining the impact of the treatment on daily activities. A portion of these participants will also undergo an fMRI at baseline, immediate and long-term follow-up. This design will allow us to evaluate the efficacy of this particular memory retraining technique in a TBI population through the assessment of cognitive function via a standard evaluation. In addition, we will be able to draw conclusions regarding the impact of this particular memory remediation program on everyday life from questionnaires completed by the participant and a significant other.
Project Type
Project Lead Center
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Target Population(s)
Individuals with moderate to severe TBI