Impairments in new learning and memory (NLM) are among the most common and disabling cognitive sequelae following TBI and such deficits have been shown to exert substantial negative impact on everyday life, including occupational and social functioning. Despite these findings, few studies have examined the efficacy of treatments for NLM deficits in TBI with the aim of improving everyday functioning. Pilot data from our laboratory indicates SME to be effective in a small sample of persons with TBI, in addition to previously demonstrated efficacy in persons with MS. The current proposal is designed to apply this treatment protocol to a large sample of individuals with moderate to severe TBI with documented impairment in NLM examining the efficacy of the treatment on standardized neuropsychological measures of memory functioning and everyday functioning, while also evaluating the long-term efficacy of the treatment. Individuals with moderate to severe TBI, with documented impairment in NLM, will be randomly assigned to a treatment group or a control group. Both groups will undergo baseline, immediate post-treatment and long-term follow-up assessment consisting of: (1) a standardized neuropsychological battery (NP) and (2) an assessment of global functioning (AGF) examining the impact of the treatment on daily activities.
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