Model System:


Reference Type:


Accession No.:



American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 1, NULL, 436-443

Publication Website:


Study examined the characteristics and short-term functional outcomes of the pediatric burn inpatient rehabilitation population using data from the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation database between 2002 and 2011. Demographic, medical, and functional data were evaluated for children younger than 18 years at time of admission to inpatient rehabilitation with primary diagnosis of burn injury. Function was assessed with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) or the WeeFIM. Of the 509 children included, 124 were evaluated with FIM and 385 with the WeeFIM. The mean age of the population was 8.6 years and 72 percent were boys. The mean length of stay was 35 days. Functional status improved signi?cantly from admission to discharge; most gains were in the motor subscore. Most patients were discharged home (95 percent). Of those discharged home, most (96 percent) went home with family. The findings suggest that children receiving multidisciplinary inpatient rehabilitation make signi?cant functional improvements in total functional scores and in both motor and cognitive subscores.


Oleson CV, Marino RJ.

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