Model System:


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Spinal Cord

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 36, 5, 320-328

Publication Website:


Article about a study comparing life adjustment of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) in relation to chronological age, age at time of injury, time since injury, and percentage of life with SCI. Data are from 435 participants with SCI who completed the Life Situations Questionnaire-Revised (LSQ-R), a measure of multiple SCI outcomes. Results indicated that being injured later in life is associated with a lower overall level of subjective well-being, poorer health, and a less active lifestyle. However, subjective well-being appears to improve throughout the life-cycle, even beyond 30 years post-injury, thus neutralizing the adverse impact of age at onset on subjective well-being, though not on health or activities. The authors conclude that rehabilitation professionals need to pay special attention to problems presented by being injured after the age of 40, particularly as related to activities.


Krause, J. S.