My Care My Call (MCMC) builds upon NERSCIC’s recently completed study of an automated telehealth system for people with traumatic SCI, “Care Call” to identify and prevent secondary conditions associated with SCI. In the proposed project MCMC, NERSCIC will build upon their previous work by developing a new module on health care self-advocacy training. The self-advocacy module will consist of nine scripts, delivered over 9 months’ time in weekly or biweekly phone calls. The scripts will interact with and build upon each other for a more realistic and personalized experience for the users. NERSCIC will use recorded vignettes from peers; alerts to a human Self-Advocacy Coach for any identified problems; and an accompanying user-friendly resource book. The specific aims of the proposed pilot site-specific project are: 1) To design and develop the MCMC Health Care Self-Advocacy module; 2) To conduct laboratory testing and qualitative consumer evaluation for the purpose of refining the MCMC intervention; and 3) To conduct a pilot randomized controlled study (RCT) of the short-term efficacy of the MCMC intervention.
Project Type
Project Lead Center
Project Start Date
Project End Date