Although technology for mobility is an integral part of the lives of individuals with SCI, our research has found that wheelchair quality is poor and is getting worse. Our research also indicates that the quality of wheelchairs prescribed and subsequent quality of life outcomes differed significantly by racial background. The goal of this module is to investigate the equity and quality of assistive technology (AT) provision and outcomes for individuals with SCI. The aims of this research project are 1) to expand the collection of descriptive data on AT used by individuals with SCI, 2) to broadly disseminate findings related to wheelchair failures to the wheelchair community thus enabling individuals with SCI to make informed choices, 3) to explore the influence of individual characteristics such as financial strain, educational quality, and health literacy on differences in AT quality and other health related outcomes for individuals with SCI, and 4) to explore the influence of provider characteristics on differences in AT quality and other health related outcomes for individuals with SCI.
Project Type
Project Lead Center
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Participating Centers