The SCI-FI instrument was designed specifically for persons with SCI, regardless of level or severity of injury. The content of the SCI-FI is based upon an extensive review of the literature, input from patients with SCI, and clinician focus groups, and is grounded within the International Classification of Function, Disability, and Health (ICF) framework.
With the development of the SCI-FI/AT, we now have available SCI-FI scales that evaluate a person’s ability to function using adaptive technology in the areas of Basic Mobility, Self-Care, Ambulation, Fine Motor, and Wheelchair function. There are 178 total items in the final SCI- FI/AT domain item banks. Short forms are aptly named as a short paper-based version of the full item banks of each functional domain of the SCI-FI/AT, which is currently administered via computer as a computer adaptive test (CAT).
Aim 1 –Create a SCI-FI/AT inpatient short form that can be completed efficiently by clinicians on patients while they are in the inpatient rehabilitation setting. This form can be used as part of the SCI Model Systems (SCIMS) National Database inpatient assessment, and for general use by clinicians and researchers.
Aim 2 – We will conduct a pilot study to evaluate the inter-rater reliability of having clinicians complete the SCI-FI/AT inpatient short forms with a sample of patients in the SNERSCIC SCIMS network.