This is a podcast-brief from the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center.

It’s not a fun topic to talk about, but everyone does it! What is it, you ask? Poop! That’s right. Bowel problems are a very real concern for most people with spinal cord injury. And no matter what the problem is, it stinks!

So what are the problem issues and what can you do to solve them? You start by reading Bowel Function After Spinal Cord Injury, a factsheet from the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center. This factsheet helps you understand how the body’s digestive system normally works and how it changes after spinal cord injury. It explains what a bowel program is and what’s involved in a bowel program. The factsheet also explains how an effective bowel program can help you to manage problem issues, control bowel movements, and better avoid those embarrassing accidents.

Visit, and get the answers you need from experts who conduct innovative and high-quality research, provide patient care, and work to improve the health and overall quality of life for people with spinal cord injury. That’s