Model System:


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Journal article

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Journal of Neurotrauma

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

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Study examined the convergence of disability ratings across a multidimensional set of traumatic brain injury (TBI) outcome domains. Data were obtained from the Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) Pilot study, which collected several common data elements (CDEs) recommended by the TBI CDE Workgroup. Patients presenting to 3 emergency departments with a TBI of any severity were enrolled in TRACK-TBI prospectively after injury; outcome measures were collected at 3 and 6 months after injury. The Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended (GOSE) was the primary outcome measure. GOSE scores fall on an 8-point ordinal scale ranging from 1 (Death) to 8 (Upper Good Recovery). Analyses examined frequency of impairment and overlap between impairment status across the CDE outcome domains of global level of functioning (GOSE), neuropsychological (cognitive) impairment, psychological status, TBI symptoms, and quality of life. GOSE scores correlated in the expected direction with other outcomes (M Spearman's rho = .21 and .49 with neurocognitive and self-report outcomes, respectively). The subsample in the Upper Good Recovery (GOSE 8) category appeared quite healthy across most other outcomes, although 19.0 percent had impaired executive functioning (Trail Making Test Part B). A significant minority of participants in the Lower Good Recovery subgroup (GOSE 7) met criteria for impairment across numerous other outcome measures. The findings highlight the multidimensional nature of TBI recovery and the limitations of applying only a single outcome measure.


Nelson, Lindsay|Ranson, Jana|Ferguson, Adam R.|Giacino, Joseph|Okonkwo, David O.|Valadka, Alex B.|Manley, Geoffrey T.|McCrea, Michael A.|

Participating Centers: