Providing equal attention: Designing control groups for intensive lifestyle interventions after brain injury
Model System:
Reference Type:
Journal article
Accession No.:
Brain Injury
Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):
, 34, 12, 1618-1624
Publication Website:
Article describes the content and development of an active control condition for an evidence-based intensive lifestyle intervention (ILI) for weight-loss after traumatic brain injury (TBI) – the Group Lifestyle Balance intervention. Intervention studies should incorporate strong scientific designs and active control conditions to assess effectiveness and aid in replication. Despite the historical use in scientific research, integration of appropriate control conditions to account for not only the placebo effect, but also to isolate the “active ingredients” of behavioral interventions, remains a challenge. This is particularly true for intensive lifestyle interventions, especially with the increasing use of mobile health (mHealth) to augment these interventions. The authors provide more-detailed characterization of control conditions to accurately interpret the effects of behavioral interventions and present an exemplar active control condition with a mHealth component for use in future studies of group-based ILIs in chronic TBI.
Juengst, Shannon |Rainey, Evan |Noorbakhsh, Donna |Driver, Simon|