Model System:


Reference Type:

Journal article

Accession No.:



Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 35, 3, 175-186

Publication Website:


Study examined the effectiveness of the Therapeutic Couples Intervention (TCI), designed to improve relationship quality for couples after acquired brain injury. Composed of 5 to 6 two-hour sessions, the TCI is a manualized, treatment program designed to enhance relationship quality by addressing issues and concerns most often identified by persons with brain injury and their partners. Seventy-five individuals with brain injury and their intimate partners were randomized to either the treatment group or the wait-listed control group. The Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale was completed by the participants with brain injury and their partners prior to the intervention, at the end of the 5- to 6-week treatment period, and at follow-up 3 months after treatment ended. Participants in the treatment group showed an improvement in relationship quality, both compared with their own baseline values and with the control group. This study provided evidence that a curriculum-based education, skill-building, and supportive intervention can benefit couples for up to 3 months after treatment.


Kreutzer, Jeffrey S. Marwitz, Jennifer H. Sima, Adam P. |Graham, Kristin M. |Hsu, Nancy H. |Mills, Ana |Lukow II, Herman R.|

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