Utilization of complementary and integrative healthcare by people with spinal cord injury in the spinal cord injury model systems: A descriptive study
Model System:
Reference Type:
Journal article
Accession No.:
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):
, 103, 4, 755-763
Publication Website:
Study examined the use of complementary and integrative healthcare (CIH) by people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Data were obtained from 411 people enrolled in five SCI Model Systems (SCIMS) centers across the United States who completed their SCIMS follow-up interview between January 2017 and July 2019. Participants completed a survey that included questions about types of CIH currently and previously used, reasons for current and previous use, reasons for discontinuing use of CIH, and reasons for never using CIH since injury. Of the 411 respondents, 80.3 percent were current or previous users of CIH; 19.7 percent had not used CIH since injury. The most commonly used current types of CIH were multivitamins (40.0 percent) and massage (32.6 percent), while the most common previously used type of CIH was acupuncture (33.9 percent). General health and wellness (61.4 percent) and pain (31.2 percent) were the most common reasons for using CIH. The primary reason for discontinuing CIH was that it was not helpful (42.1 percent). The primary reason for not using CIH since injury was not knowing what options are available (40.7 percent). These results point to the importance for rehabilitation clinicians to be aware that their patients may be using one or more CIH approaches.
Coker, Jennifer |Berliner, Jeffrey |Botticello, Amanda |Bryce, Thomas N. |Charlifue, Susan |Chen, David |Estrada, David |Monden, Kimberley R. |Taylor, Heather |Zafonte, Ross |Zanca, Jeanne M.|