The relationship of secondary and chronic health conditions with emergency department visits and related hospitalizations among people with traumatic spinal cord injury
Model System:
Reference Type:
Journal article
Accession No.:
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):
, 103, 12, 2338-2344
Publication Website:
Study identified secondary and chronic health conditions associated with self-reported emergency department (ED) visits and ED-related hospitalizations among people with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Data collected from 648 adults with chronic traumatic SCI through their Form II annual follow-up within the SCI Model System, as well as self-reported ED visits and ED-related hospitalizations within the 12 months prior to the study, were analyzed. Several types of factors were significantly related to ED visits, with fewer related to ED hospitalizations. Men and those with more severe SCI had greater odds of having at least 1 ED visit; education and employment factors were not significant. Regarding health conditions, acute secondary health conditions including falls, urinary tract infections, and pressure injuries were all associated with a greater odds of ED visits, whereas chronic health conditions were not. Being unemployed was associated with greater odds of an ED hospitalization, as was having at least 1 UTI and at least 1 pressure injury. The findings suggest that acute secondary health conditions, particularly UTIs and pressure injuries, were much more highly related to ED visits and related hospitalizations compared to chronic health conditions (e.g., diabetes, hypertension). Greater attention needs to be paid to fall, UTI, and pressure injury prevention to reduce the ED burden related to SCI.