Validation of PROMIS-29 domain scores among adult burn survivors: A National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research Burn Model System Study
Model System:
Reference Type:
Journal article
Accession No.:
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):
, 92, 1, 213-222
Publication Website:
Study examined the validity and reliability of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS)-29 scores among burn survivors. The PROMIS-29 scores of physical function, anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep disturbance, ability to participate in social roles, and pain interference were evaluated for validity and reliability in adult burn survivors. Unidimensionality, floor and ceiling effects, internal consistency, and reliability were examined. Differential item functioning was used to examine bias with respect to demographic and injury characteristics. Correlations with measures of related constructs (Community Integration Questionnaire, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Post-Traumatic Stress Checklist-Civilian, and Veteran's Rand-12) and known-group differences were examined. Eight hundred seventy-six burn survivors with moderate-to-severe injury from 6 months to 20 years postburn provided responses on PROMIS-29 domains. Participants' ages ranged from 18 years to 93 years at time of assessment; mean years since injury was 3.4. All PROMIS domain scores showed high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.87 to 0.97). There was a large ceiling effect on ability to participate in social roles (39.7 percent) and physical function (43.3 percent). One-factor confirmatory factor analyses supported unidimensionality. No statistically significant bias (differential item functioning) was found. Reliability was high across trait levels for all domains except sleep, which reached moderate reliability. All known-group differences by demographic and clinical characteristics were in the hypothesized direction and magnitude except burn size categories. The results provide strong evidence for reliability and validity of PROMIS-29 domain scores among adult burn survivors.