Trajectory curves for purposes of benchmarking and predicting clinical outcomes: A scoping review
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Journal article
Accession No.:
Journal of Burn Care And Research (formerly Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation)
Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):
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Study summarized successful use of trajectory curves to inform the development and eventual clinical implementation of Life Impact Burn Recovery Evaluation (LIBRE) Profile trajectory curves for specific domains that focus on social re-integration. Trajectory curves are valuable tools to benchmark patient health status and predict future outcomes. A scoping review was conducted to inform and understand trajectory curves applied in clinical settings to compare outcomes for an individual to a matched cohort of comparable patients or predicted expected outcomes over time. PubMed was searched from January 2014 to August 2019 for the following terms: "trajectory curves" or "trajectory models" and "clinic" or "clinical." Only articles that specifically referenced longitudinal and clinical research designs were included in the scoping review. Articles were assessed using standard scoping review methods and categorized based on clinical application of trajectory curves for either benchmarking or prediction. The initial literature search identified 141 manuscripts and 34 met initial inclusion criteria. The reviewed articles support the clinical use of trajectory curves. Findings provide insight into several key determinants involved with the successful development and implementation of trajectory curves in clinical settings. These findings will inform efforts to use the LIBRE Profile to model social participation recovery and assist in developing effective strategies using trajectory curves to promote social reintegration after burn injury.
Kelter, Brian M.|Wolfe, Audrey E.|Kazis, Lewis E.|Ryan, Colleen M.|Acton, Amy|Slavin, Mary D.|Schneider, Jeffrey C.|