Predicting depression and posttraumatic stress symptoms following burn injury: A risk scoring system
Model System:
Reference Type:
Journal article
Accession No.:
Journal of Burn Care And Research (formerly Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation)
Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):
, 43, 4, 899-905
Publication Website:
Study developed an admission scoring system that assesses the risk of development of depression or posttraumatic stress (DPTS)symptoms in the burn population. This study is a retrospective review of the prospectively collected Burn Model System National Database that included 486 adult burn survivors enrolled from 2014 to 2018. The primary outcome was the presence of DPTS symptoms at 6, 12, or 24 months postinjury. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify demographic and clinical predictors of DPTS symptoms. A risk scoring system was then created based on assigning point values to relevant predictor factors. The study population had a mean age of 46.5 years, mean burn size of 18.3 percent, and was 68.3 percent male. Prior to injury, 71.3 percent of the population was working, 47.9 percent were married, and 50.8 percent had completed more than a high school education. An 8-point risk scoring system was developed using the following predictors of DPTS symptom development: gender, psychiatric treatment in the past year, graft size, head/neck graft, etiology of injury, and education level. This study is the first to develop a DPTS symptom risk scoring system for burn injury. This scoring system will aid in identifying burn survivors at high risk of long-term psychiatric symptoms that may be used to improve screening, monitoring, timely diagnosis, and interventions.