Item pool development for the school-aged life impact burn recovery evaluation (SA- LIBRE5-12) profile computerized adaptive test (CAT): An observer-reported outcome assessment measuring the impact of burn injuries in school-aged children
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Journal article
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Journal of Burn Care And Research (formerly Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation)
Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):
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Study developed item pools that will be used to create a computerized adaptive test (CAT) assessing post-burn recovery in school-aged children. Item pool development was guided by the previously developed School-Aged Life Impact Burn Recovery Evaluation (SA-LIBRE5-12) Conceptual Framework. The item pool development process involved a systematic literature review, extraction of candidate items from existing legacy measures, iterative item review during expert consensus meetings, and parent cognitive interviews. The iterative item review with experts consisted of six rounds. A total of 10 parent cognitive interviews were conducted. The three broad themes of concern were items that required: (1) clarification (needed context or were vague), (2) age dependence and relevance, and (3) word choice. The cognitive interviews indicated that survey instructions, recall period, item stem, and response choices were interpretable by respondents. The final item pool based on parental feedback consists of 57, 81, and 60 items in Physical, Psychological, and Family and Social Functioning, respectively. The final 198 items developed in three domains are consistent with the existing conceptual framework. The next step involves field-testing the item pool and calibration using item response theory to develop and validate the SA-LIBRE5-12 CAT Profile.
Rodríguez-Mercedes, Silvanys L.|Patel, Khushbu F.|Rencken, Camerin A.|Grant, Gabrielle G.|Surette, Kate|Kinney, Erin M.|Brady, Keri J. S.|Slavin, Mary D.|Schneider, Jeffrey C.|Stoddard Jr., Frederick J.|Kazis, Lewis E.|Ryan, Colleen M.|