Model System:


Reference Type:

Journal article

Accession No.:



Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 18, 10, e472-e476

Publication Website:


Study investigated whether the peripheral capillary oxygenation (Spo2)-to-Fio2 (S/F) ratio correlates with the Pao2/Fio2 (P/F) ratio in burned children with smoke inhalation injury (SII). The objective was to determine if the S/F ratio can serve as a surrogate for the P/F ratio for the diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Two hundred seventy-three burned children with SII who were admitted from 1996 to 2014 and had simultaneously obtained Spo2, Fio2, and Pao2 measurements were analyzed. S/F ratios were divided into four subgroups based on peripheral capillary oxygenation values: ≤100 percent, ≤98 percent, ≤95 percent, and ≤92 percent. Significance was accepted at Pearson product-moment correlations (r2) greater than 0.81. The r2 (number of matches) was 0.66 (23,072) for ≤100 percent; 0.87 (18,932) for ≤98 percent; 0.89 (7,056) for ≤95 percent; and 0.93 (4,229) for ≤92 percent. In the subgroup of patients who developed acute respiratory distress syndrome, r2 was 0.65 (8,357) for ≤100 percent; 0.89 (7,578) for ≤98 percent; 0.89 (4,115) for ≤95 percent; and 0.91 (2,288) for ≤92 percent. The results indicate that P/F and S/F strongly correlate in burned children with SII, with a Spo2 of less than 92 percent providing the strongest correlation. Thus, S/F ratio may be able to serve as surrogate for P/F, especially when titrating Fio2 to achieve a Spo2 of 90–95 percent (i.e., in the ARDS range).


Cambiaso-Daniel, Janos|Voigt, Charles D.|Rivas, Eric|Hundeshagen, Gabriel|Nunez-Lopez, Omar|Kamolz, Lars-Peter|Sljivich, Michaela|Sousse, Linda E.|Herndon, David N.|Suman, Oscar E.|Kinsky, Michael P.|Mlcak, Ronald P.|

Participating Centers: