Model System:


Reference Type:

Journal article

Accession No.:



Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, , ,

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Study compared the effects of long-term psychosocial functioning and mental health of a day hospital-based exercise program (DAYEX) versus a community-based exercise program (COMBEX). The Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) for both parent (CHQ-PF28) and child (CHQ-CF87) were used to assess changes in quality of life and mental health status in 18 severely burned children (9 DAYEX and 9 COMBEX). These questionnaires were provided at discharge from the acute unit and at the 9–12 month post-burn follow-up appointment. Both groups were at home for an additional 20–30 weeks after discharge, before the questionnaire was administered. Demographic characteristics and total body surface area burned were similar in both groups. Length of hospital stay was significant in the COMBEX group. CHQ-CF87 and CHQ-PF28 documented significant improvements in both groups between discharge and 1 year. Significance was evident in Physical Functioning, Bodily Pain, Self-Esteem, Change in Health, and Family Activities. CHQ-CF87 showed improvement in Family Cohesion in COMBEX more than DAYEX. CHQ-PF28 showed improvement in Role/Social Limitations-Emotional, Bodily Pain, and Family Activities in COMBEX more than DAYEX. The proposed COMBEX program is feasible and beneficial physically, psychosocially, and mentally. The results show some improvements in the COMBEX group in optimizing function and health in severely burned children. The COMBEX group performed at least as well as the DAYEX group. Larger-scale studies are needed to validate current findings.


Pena, Raquel|Suman, Oscar E.|Rosenberg, Marta|Andersen, Clark R.|Herndon, David N.|Meyer, Walter J.|

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