Model System:


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Accession No.:


Ann Surg

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 246, 3, 351-360; 360-362

Publication Website:


OBJECTIVE AND SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Postburn long-term oxandrolone treatment improves hypermetabolism and body composition. The effects of oxandrolone on clinical outcome, body composition, endocrine system, and inflammation during the acute phase postburn in a large prospective randomized single-center trial have not been studied. METHODS: Burned children (n = 235) with >40% total body surface area burn were randomized (block randomization 4:1) to receive standard burn care (control, n = 190) or standard burn care plus oxandrolone for at least 7 days (oxandrolone 0.1 mg/kg body weight q.12 hours p.o, n = 45). Clinical parameters, body composition, serum hormones, and cytokine expression profiles were measured throughout acute hospitalization. Statistical analysis was performed by Student t test, or ANOVA followed by Bonferroni correction with significance accepted at P


Jeschke, M. G., Finnerty, C. C., Suman, O. E., Kulp, G., Mlcak, R. P., Herndon, D. N.