This is a part of the Hot Topic podcast series from the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center on Exercise After Burn Injury. Jefferey Schneider, MD, Researcher, discusses Transition Home.
Jeffrey Schneider, M.D.
Project Director, Boston-Harvard Burn Injury Model System Center
Medical Director, Burn & Trauma, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
You know, that’s one of the things that, you know, we worry about is that when people leave the hospital because they’re there in this cocoon where they have therapists a lot and they have doctors and therapists and nurses around them all the time. But when they go home, they’re sort of left to their own devices and they don’t have all this big support structure around them.
So one of the keys to success in our challenge is to find a way of transitioning that care to when they go home so they continue to do the things that they need to do when they’re at home. And that is an important part of the transition process and the care that we provide, which is to make sure they have a really good exercise regimen when they go home, they have providers, other therapists to sort of continue to follow them after they go home, and to have good follow-up with their providers to make sure they’re keeping up with this and things aren’t getting worse but getting better.
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