This is a part of the Hot Topic podcast series from the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center on Exercise After Burn Injury. Jeffrey Schneider, MD, researcher, discusses The LIBRE Project.

Jeffrey Schneider, M.D.

Project Director, Boston-Harvard Burn Injury Model System Center

Medical Director, Burn & Trauma, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital

One example of sort of this process of, you know, the researchers try to think more about this long-term recovery process is the LIBRE Project. This is really a groundbreaking project and really the first of its kind to try and assess what really are the long-term outcomes of burn survivors. You know, when you get past being in a hospital and past the initial rehabilitation phase, you might be in a rehab hospital. People are back just living at home and in the community, you know, months and even years after their injury.

You know, what are the aspects of their lives that are still challenging for them? You know, what are things that people are doing well? And, you know, how do we define and help us learn more about the successes? And I think, you know, the LIBRE project’s main goal is to find a way to measure people’s ability to reintegrate into the community, participate in social activities in their personal lives, their work lives, their home and family lives. And ultimately those are the kind of things that matter to burn survivors because that’s sort of — the ultimate goal is to get back and living their lives.

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