This is a part of the Hot Topic podcast series from the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center on Employment After Burn Injury. Ben Swanson, Burn Injury survivor, discusses How Ben Responds to Strangers' Questions.
BEN SWANSON: So in physical appearance, uh, occasionally at a store, you’ll get somebody that’ll, that’ll ask you, a cashier, or you notice a stare, and actually, um, I forget about it often. So I’ll be walking around a store, and I’ll notice somebody staring at me, and, usually a young, inquisitive kid, and um, and so, at first you, you think, “What are they looking at?” And then you, you think for a second and, and remember, Oh yeah, you know, and sometimes they’ll ask, and if so, you know, it’s um, I’m happy to talk about it, or tell them, or, as, even as I was in the hospital, you would see kids, so it’s a good, a good introduction to uh, to kids, to stay away from fire, or you know, leave fire alone, and use it as much of a learning example, show-and-tell, I guess, if you will…
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