Kelly Ann is a New York City native who now lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, Chris, and two children, Owen and Elizabeth. She enjoys horseback riding, bicycling, and mountain climbing. Kelly Ann has a deep appreciation for trying new things. She recently took a cow-cutting lesson! She’s come a long way from the city.
Kelly's Experience with Burn Injury
Kelly Ann has been a burn ICU nurse for 17 years at three American Burn Association-verified burn centers throughout the United States. She has enjoyed caring for burn survivors and working with highly skilled multidisciplinary teams to address each of her critically ill patients’ needs. Kelly Ann considers the years spent caring for burn victims and their families from the most critical phases to the moment that they are discharged to be one of the greatest privileges. She continues to serve those affected by chronic medical conditions and survivors of catastrophic injuries now as a certified life care planner.
Why does Kelly Ann want to be an MSKTC ambassador?
Kelly Ann would like to be an MSKTC ambassador to remain connected to a community that means so much to her. She loves contributing to resources such as Model Systems that enhance the lives of others so meaningfully.
What has Kelly Ann done as an ambassador?
MSKTC contains resources that are beneficial to burn survivors at all stages of healing and recovery. As a burn nurse, Kelly Ann has utilized these resources to educate patients and their loved ones as they transitioned from the hospital to rehabilitation centers or their homes. As a life care planner, she utilizes these resources to assist in the formation of future care recommendations for survivors of catastrophic injury. She has shared MSKTC resources with other rehabilitation professionals through social media, professional organizations, and word of mouth. Kelly Ann hopes they too will utilize these resources to enhance the lives of others.