Project Type
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Project End Date
Target Population(s)
Individuals with TBI

Overview: This is a study of the relationship between sleep architecture (depicting an individual's phases of sleep as well as other characteristics of sleep) and post-TBI fatigue (PTBIF), using polysomnography (PSG), with spectral analysis and multi-stage survival analysis. The aim of the study is to further our understanding of the relationship between sleep and fatigue, which will potentially lead to the development of new treatments of sleep disorders. Methods: In the proposed study, an observational design is being used in which 48 participants undergo two nights of PSG in Mount Sinai's sleep lab. They also complete clinical interviews and self-report measures regarding sleep, fatigue and related variables. Research Questions 1. What are the types and frequencies of sleep disorders and abnormalities in sleep architecture in individuals with TBI? 2. Is disruption of sleep architecture more evident with spectral analysis and multi-state survival analysis than with standard PSG scoring? 3. What is the relationship between PTBIF and sleep architecture, as measured by conventional PSG scoring and as quantified with spectral and multi-state survival analysis? 4. Is the amount of time in each sleep stage correlated with PTBIF? 5. Is the pattern of sleep cycles correlated with PTBIF? 6. Is the number of transitions between sleep stages correlated with PTBIF? 7. Are subjective reports of sleep quality, circadian rhythms and daytime sleepiness correlated with disturbances in sleep architecture or PTBIF? 8. Are there differences (e.g., demographic, injury severity, co-morbidities) between individuals with PTBIF with co-morbid sleep architecture disorders and those with PTBIF without sleep architecture disorders?