The Northern California Spinal Cord Injury Model System (NCSCIMS) is based in Santa Clara Valley Medical Center's (SCVMC) Rehabilitation Center and is dedicated to improving patient care by investigating innovative treatments, identifying and promoting factors associated with prevention and resilience, and understanding the continuum of care from acute care through community reintegration.

NCSCIMS has been an active contributor to the SCI Model Systems of Care (SCIMS) for more than 45 years and more recently has focused on exporting telehealth strategies to promote specialized accessible care for individuals with SCI.

The Rehabilitation Center at SCVMC is a regional SCI center for northern and central California, southern Oregon, and western Nevada. SCVMC serves as a tertiary referral center for acute SCI care and includes a level 1 trauma center, Respiratory Rehabilitation Unit, CARF-accredited adult SCI rehabilitation service, outpatient clinic, Peer Support Network, Leisure/Sports Program, and patient and caregiver education.

Research Projects

As Lead Center

As Participating Center

Title Project Type Start Date End Date
Determinants of Bowel-related Quality of Life in Individuals with Acute and Chronic SCI Modular (Joint) 09/01/2021 08/31/2026
Northern California Spinal Cord Injury Model System of Care (NCSCIMS)
Dr. Elizabeth Pasipanodya

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, San Jose,


Northern California Spinal Cord Injury Model System of Care (NCSCIMS)

Research Center Staff

Kazuko Shem, MD

Project Director

Elizabeth Pasipanodya, PhD


Ben Dirlikov, MA


Cria-May Khong,

Lead Data Collector