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Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 4, 2, 18-27

Publication Website:


Article re-analyzing data from a study comparing outcomes for persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) related to firearms versus SCI caused by motor vehicle crashes. The initial analysis of data from 164 men with SCI (77 motor vehicle injuries and 87 firearm injuries) showed little difference on the 3 outcome measures used: the Beck Depression Inventory, the civilian version of the Mississippi Scale of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (M-PTSD), and a measure of community reintegration. The participants were then reclassified into 3 grouups based on gang involvement and incarceration history. It was found that unlike groups characterized by etiology alone, the groups characterized by indicators of antisocial behavior showed significant differences on all 3 outcome measures. The authors conclude that treatment decisions based on etiology should be avoided. Impairment, disability, education, employment history, and history of antisocial behavior are the most important factors associated with community reintegration. This document is included in NCDDR's Guide to Substance Abuse and Disability Resources Produced by NIDRR Grantees, number D.41, and 2nd Ed, number D.48.


Adkins, R. H., Hume, B., Nabor, M., Waters, R. L.