Model System:


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Accession No.:



Year, Volume, Issue, Page(s):

, 1, NULL, 133-144

Publication Website:


This chapter reviews studies on brain-computer interface (BCI) applications in patients with disorders of consciousness. BCIs are tools that allow overcoming motor disability in patients with brain injury, allowing them to communicate with the environment. This system is based on cerebral activity that can be measured using techniques such as electroencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging, implanted electrodes, or functional near-infrared spectroscopy. The authors highlight the main challenges that will need to be overcome in future research and offer suggestions from studies conducted in healthy controls and motor-disabled patients that may be applied to the severely brain-injured population.


5. Biering-Sorensen F, Alai S, Anderson K, Charlifue S, Chen Y, DeVivo M, Flanders AE, Jones L, Kleitman N, Lans A, Noonan VK, Odenkirchen J, Steeves J, Tansey K, Widerstrom-Noga E, Jakeman L.

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